Local Law 31
Effective August 9, 2020, Local Law 31 of 2020 mandates that property owners must comply with the following requirements:
Certified Inspection: Owners of buildings constructed before 1960 must engage an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) certified inspector or risk assessor. This professional should be independent of the property owner or any firm hired for lead-based paint remediation.
Timing of Inspection:
The lead-based paint inspection must occur within 5 years of the law's effective date (by August 9, 2025).
Alternatively, if a child under the age of 6 comes to reside in the unit, the inspection must take place within one year of their arrival or by the August 9, 2025 deadline—whichever comes first. The term "reside" applies when a child under six years of age routinely spends 10 or more hours per week in such a dwelling unit.
Expanded Requirement: The same testing requirement applies to rental buildings constructed between 1960 and 1978 if the owner possesses actual knowledge of lead-based paint presence.
XRF Testing
Lead paint poses a serious threat to human health when ingested or inhaled, which is why there is the critical need to accurately identify and address its presence in homes and other buildings. Protectonic employs an X-ray Fluorescence analyzer (XRF) for a reliable and non-invasive method for precisely determining the presence and concentration of lead within paint layers on various surfaces.
The definition of lead-based paint is a lead content measured at 0.5 mg/cm2 or greater as determined by an XRF analyzer.
Protectonic uses cutting-edge XRF analyzers to conduct accurate and efficient lead paint testing. Our team of trained professionals is equipped to swiftly determine the presence and concentration of lead in paint layers, contributing to the safety and health of individuals.
Lead-Based Paint Hazards
Lead-based paint hazards include:
Peeling or damaged lead paint
Dust from peeling lead paint
Lead paint on the following surfaces; doors & windows that rub or stick together (known as friction surfaces) and any surfaces that have been chewed on by children. For example, window sills and door trim.
Lead paint is harmful to children and pregnant women. Lead exposure in children can cause damage to the brain and nervous system. It can also cause learning, behavior, hearing and speech problems in children. Lead can increase the risk of high blood pressure during pregnancy, miscarriage, preterm delivery and low birth weight.